Monday, October 25, 2010

C4K Summary- Comments 3-7

Christ Church's Earthquake

Ashin's blog

My 1st comment was for a student in Auckland, N.Z. named Ashin. Ashin discussed an earthquake that happened in his town on September 4, 2010. He said it caused much damage to property but no one died. I commented and stated that I was happy to hear that everyone was okay. I also asked Ashin if his school or home was damaged during the hurricane.


My 2nd comment was for harry6. He posted about a fete his school held in order to raise money for a playground. Harry6 said they eventually raised over $20,000. He said his favorite ride was called the jumping castles. I asked harry6 if he rode the bungee trampoline, which is another ride he says they had at the fete.


The next student's blog I commented on was named Alyssa. Alyssa said that sometimes she thinks about how things can be improved. She said that she believes school would improve if they allowed people to have classes outside. Alyssa also said that she knows it may be cheesy, but that's what she thinks about. I commented and told Alyssa that I didn't think the idea was cheesy at all. I told her that it would keep students awake if they didn't have to sit in a stuffy classroom all day.


Next, I commented on LuisA's blog. He wrote a riddle and asked everyone to try to solve it. His riddle was: "I am long. I can be green. I can not blink. What am I?" I asked Luis if he was referring to a snake. I also told Luis that I am terrified of snakes.


Rikimaru's picture

The last student's blog I visited was an 11th grader at Bryant High School named Rikimaru. Rikimaru had recently created the blog when I visited it, so there weren't that many posts. But Rikimaru did have an excellent picture of what appeared to be a set of guns on a ship. Rikimaru asked what we thought the picture should be titled. I commented and told him all of my ideas sound corny. I also asked what were some of the names he was thinking about naming the picture.

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